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The Recent Outfits

Is it too late to say ‘happy new year’ when we’re already in February?

The answer is most likely, however HNY nonetheless.

It’s been a damn busy time working on a hell of a lot of content, and needless to say a damn fun time, too. Posting my daily TikTok videos via my ‘Let’s Get Dressed’ concept, has, in-fact, become a ‘thing’. Needless to say, the combination of content for Instagram, content for TikTok, running a brand, working on brand collaborations and contracts with my ever lovely agent, led to the blog not being updated in January.

Let’s kick the first post of 2022 off with some recent outfits & looks.

The last year or so has seen me wear more colour than ever before. As someone that preaches an ‘all black everything’ kinda ethos, I’ve surprised even myself with this sudden love of colour pops. I’m really feeling it.

Combining my usual deeply routed love of greys and blacks in a mixture of textures, and then focusing on one particular colour or colour spectrum has been really pleasing my eyeballs. Knitwear is a natural go-to in England in winter, but opting for bold colour choices has made me smile on intense grey January days. This bold pink Isabel Marant jumper vest I picked up in the MyTheresa sale can be layered with ease thanks to the open sides and sleeveless nature – I adore this shade paired with a light grey.

The ever-sought after Miu Miu logo-band trousers are now considered an iconic staple in my wardrobe, having worn them throughout summer and winter. They’re not going anywhere.

Shorts remain a winter go-to for me, despite any passive aggressive internet backlash (lol). Tights and knee high socks have been ever faithful friends.


…And now we’re into the black looks.

Texture is everything when I choose to go for the all black/black dominant looks.

Combining faux-leather with nylon [as above] has to be one of my ultimates. It’s not an expected combination. Prada wins when it comes to nylon, and their Re-Nylon collection has been one of my favourites within the abundant fashion landscape of the last few years. The shapes, wearability and utilitarian aspects of this collection appeal to me greatly.

Alongside the looks, I’ve linked a selection of my favourite all black pieces below.

Happy styling in 2022: wear what you love.


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Katharina Erlbacher
3 years ago

Again, dear Sammi – a happy new year too! Thanks for the lil insight in how you’re changing too and just going with your feelings about colors! I don’t find words to describe how special, unique and an idol you are! Great blog post! ✨